Patrick Gallagher Bus Timetables

Patrick Gallagher bus service provides a Monday to Saturday return route between Glen and Letterkenny (route no. 974). The main stops are at Glen, Downings, Carrigart, Gap, Cranford, Milford, Ramelton, Silver Tassie, Letterkenny Station Roundabout and Letterkenny Main Street, but we will pick you up and drop you off at any point along the route that allows for safe stopping.

There are three bus services to Letterkenny each day at 7.45am, 10.45am & 2.55pm. There are also two bus services returning to the Glen/Downings area at 1.20pm & 6.05pm.
The approximate route duration is 1 hour and 5 minutes, passing through some of Donegal’s most scenic areas and villages.

If you need any more information on our bus routes in addition to the details provided in the links above, you can call us on +353 74 9137037, email us by clicking here or visit us on Facebook.

Patrick Gallagher Bus Timetables
